An interview with Gavin Peers

27/11/2010 00:03

An interview with defender Gavin Peers. Gavin has been with the club since 2006, and has experienced many highs and lows with the club and has proven  to be a vital part of the team under Paul Cook.


(below) Peers in action in the EA Sports Cup Final

Photo courtesy of Kevin Finn





First of all Gavin, thank you for taking them time to do this interview:

When you were finished with Mansfield Town in England and were offered the chance to play for Sligo Rovers by former manager Sean Connor, why did you decide Rovers was the club for you ?



"I actually came back from mansfield not knowing if i was going to stay in football, I just got fed up there and didn't settle so I just came back and was going to go back to school but I got a few phone calls and sligo was one of them and the fact they were full time made my mind up and ever since then haven't looked back."



Who were you biggest influences when you were younger watching football ?



"I actually went  to watch my dad alot but he was rubbish ha ha. He was a big influence bringing me place to place but to watch would probably be Steve Bruce."



You've been with Sligo Rovers a number of years now and have experienced many highs and lows, what has been your favourite moment playing for The Bit O' Red so far ?



"You'd have to say winning the cup against shams wouldn't you."

Europe awaits you and the rest of the team next year, and you've played in the competition already, what was the experience like ?




"I actually didn't play, I got injured before it and was gutted so hopefully I can make up for it this year and do well in it"


You've scored a few goals for Sligo Rovers in your time here, which was your favourite ?



"I'd have to say the goal against bohs in the semi final this year to put us into the final."

All Rovers supporters will agree that you've put in countless top quality performances at the back. What for you was your best performance for the club and why ?



"I don't know really, I just go out to every match trying to do my best some days it comes off others it doesn't."



Do you feel the team can mount a serious title challenge while also trying to defend two cups and play in Europe next year ?



"If we get everybody signed back up and add 2 or 3 quality players I don't see why not we'd be very strong then."



Who is the best motivator in the dressing room at half time when ye need a lift after conceding a goal ?



"You can't get a word in with the gaffer, he's the motivator."



 You played in an Airticity League IX in August for the official first ever football match at the Aviva Stadium, how did it feel to be up against Premiership stars such as Wayne Rooney, Nemanja Vidic and Javier Hernandez ?





"It was a great experience, i'd love to do again and it only made me better I think."



Is their any players in particular you'd like to see join the club for next season ?




"That's up to the manager to decide who he needs, really all i can do is worry about myself."



If you weren't a footballer, what would you be right now ?



"Probably a carpenter, I enjoyed that in school."






What do you hope to do when you decide to call it a day and retire from playing ?



"Hopefully go into management or coaching."



Who has the best and worst taste in music in the team ?



"Best would be Danny (Ventre), worst would be Brushie"

Who has the best and worst dress sense in the team ?



"It's a toss of a coin for worst between keano and tracksuit (Ciaran Kelly) and best would be me of course."



1 | 04/01/2024


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