An interview with Jason McGuinness

14/02/2011 19:45


Paul Cook's first signing of 2011, McGuinness joined Rovers after financial difficulties hit the Dublin club and is expected to be a direct replacment for Jim Lauchlan. Altough he brings a lot of experience and height to the team, Derek Foran will be challenging him for his spot in the team throughout the season.


Jason McGuinness

Photo from







First of all Jason thanks for taking the time to do this interview, and welcome to Sligo Rovers.

"No problem, thanks for welcoming me to Sligo."

As we've seen in the past, players won't leave Dublin for a move west of the Shannon. How big a decision was it for you
to leave Dublin for Sligo ?


"It wasnt a really big decision, because once i'm joining a team thats going places and once I seen the place I was only too happy to leave Dublin."

You come here as the replacement for Jim Lauchlan. Do you feel there will be alot of pressure on you to perform as well
as he did ?


"Jim was a super player for Sligo and I dont feel pressure becasue i've my own strengths and qualities that I can bring to the team and its important to concentrate on my own job."

Was the oppurtunity to play with Joseph Ndo and Rafael Cretaro again a factor in your decision to move here ?


"Yeah, the chance to join up with Joe and Raf was exciting but it wasnt the major factor for me signing. Paul cook was the major factor."



What was it like for you to get called up to play for the Ireland U-21 squad ?


"Being called up for the Irish squad was a proud moment for me and my family, I really enjoyed the experience."

Do you think with the quality of the team so far,the calibre of players rumoured to be close to signing and your vast amount
of European experience, we could see Rovers go on a good run in Europe this season ?


"I defenitely think that we can do well in Europe as we have some really talented footballers in our squad, but Europe is a totally different ball game to what we are use to playin week in week out. Tactics and team discipline play a huge role becasue the opposition is of such a high standard."

You were involved in a well documented incident with Romauld Boco in 2009, and because of this some fans weren't overly
happy to hear you joined. Do you think you'll be able to win over those certain sections of the crowd and do you have
a message for those certain supporters ?


"The incident with Boco was well documented. Thats the past and I would like to put that mistake behind me and move on with my career and try to help make Sligo Rovers even more succesful. Once fans see a player giving his all for a team i'm sure that helps going towords winning them over."

You've scored a number of goals in your career so far. Which one was your favourite and why ?


"My favourite goal I scored was in a European tie against FK Riga. It was nice to score at that level."

If you weren't a footballer, what would you be ?

f I wasn't a footballer i'd probably be traveling the world."

David Willis asks:

What made Sligo Rovers stand above the rest when deciding which club to join ?


"What made Sligo Rovers stand out was the direction the club was going . Everything is done correctly behind the scences and on the pitch. Paul Cook is building something good here and I want to be a part of that."

What are your aims for this season?


"My aims for the season are to be succesful . Plain and simple. Its my profession to be a footballer so why accept low standards?."

How has Sligo life began for you?


"Sligo has been great, the people have been so welcoming to me, even my new team mates have helped me settle in very quick."

What are you looking forward to most in the 2011 season?


"What iam looking forword to the most is enjoying my football once again."

Thanks to Sligo Rovers supporter, David Willis, who once again provided questions for this interview.