An interview with Richard Brush

04/02/2011 23:14


Goalkeeper Richard Brush spent 5 years with Sligo Rovers. Joining from Coventry City in 2006, Brush played 2nd fiddle to John O' Hara in his first season, but soon established himself as the regular number 1, putting in a number of quality performances and becoming a firm favourite with the supporters. Brush began to suffer long term injury set backs in mid-2009, and missed 3 finals in a row because of this. Brush has since been released due to his wrist injury, but hopes to get back in to football as soon as possible.

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First of all Richard, thanks for taking the time to do this interview.

"No problem"

Who were your inspirations in football when you were younger?


"My inspirations in football when I was younger was Peter Schmeichel. He would have been the top keeper when I was most interested in football. "

Why did you choose to join Sligo Rovers after leaving Coventry City?


"I chose Sligo because it was the only club that showed interest. I'd been out injured for just over a year and not many clubs were too interested!!"

Who was the toughest striker you had to keep from scoring ?

"None come to memory but I remember training with Craig Bellamy at Coventry when I was about 15. Wasn't that he was good just the fact he was a complete c**k. He was kicking me and giving me abuse. "


What was your favourite performance for Rovers ?

"A few come to mind but I think bohemians away last season, we drew 0-0 and Peersy was sent off."

Is there much of a difference between football here and in the lower league’s in England ?


"Maybe not in the standard of the lower leagues in England but facilities back in England may be a bit better. "



Do you feel with the squad that’s currently being put together by Paul Cook, Sligo Rovers can challenge for the league next season ?


"Definitely. Keeping the majority of the squad that was so successful last year was very important. The signings which have been brought in look like they can only strengthen the squad. "

If not a footballer, what would you be ?


"I think I'd be in the army or something along those lines. "

Was it hard for you to have to leave Sligo Rovers after 5 years at the club ?

"It's a strange one. After being in football for 10 years to suddenly not be involved in the banter and stuff like that is the hardest thing to come to terms with at the minute. I suppose when the season starts and the media coverage starts it will kick in properly. "

Can you see yourself returning to play for The Bit O’ Red again some day ?

"I'm not too sure. The manager tried very very hard to keep me involved someway or other, and to give me every chance of getting fit and staying with the club but it didn't happen. So maybe there might not be an opportunity. "

Who was the joker in the dressing room ?

"In my 5 years there have been quite a few, but Gary McCabe and Derek Foran were quite a pair. even how opposite they look next to each other. I can't begin to imagine how they looked in bed together ha ha. "

Who has the best and worst taste in music ?

"Best taste in music would obviously be myself! With the soothing sounds of Killswitch Engage, 36 crazyfists, Slayer and the like whats not to like? Worst taste would have to be John Dillon. He loves Ricky Martin, Elton John, Freddie Mercury. I'm sure there's a pattern there."



Now that you’re currently without a club and working hard to return to football, whats next for Richard Brush ?

"Goalkeeper coaching in the not too distant future. Keep myself ticking over then hopefully get signed up somewhere when I'm fully fit. If not please people don't take the trolleys too far from Tesco. It'll be me collecting them!"